Wait for a moment and just think about what you had in your breakfast. Whether it was a crispy piece of bacon or strawberry they all source themselves back to the soil. In simple words, the soil feeds everyone. Well, composting, in this case, is returning the favor.
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You still don’t have any specific reason to participate in a local composting program or get started with your compost system? If yes, then you’re not aware of how much does composting help the environment. That’s why we have come up with this blog to highlight the benefits of black gold.
What is composting?
Composting can be described as the natural recycling process of organic matter like leaves into a valuable fertilizer to enrich the plants and soil. Whatever grows in this world just gets decomposed. However, the role of composting is to boost the process of decomposition by providing a perfect environment for decomposing organisms such as fungi and bacteria.
Have you ever tried composting? If yes, then you might know how does the end product look like. The decomposed matter is identical to the fertile garden soil and is referred to as compost. Some people call it black gold because it comes with a lot of nutrients that can be used in agriculture, gardening, and horticulture.
Environmental impact of composting
Suppose you’re heading your waste into the compost bin rather than the trash then you’re doing a great job in reducing methane emissions. Compositing aids in reducing runoff, supporting local farms, building healthy soil, etc. It contributes to the creation of new life for insects, plants, bacteria, and even you. At last, with the recycling of organic matter, you can help multiple aspects present in our natural system.
Environmental benefits of composting
1) Improves soil quality
You might know that compost acts as a nutrient-rich substance that can boost soil fertility. All you need to do is to add compost to farms and gardens to promote healthy plant growth, boost water retention capacity and improve soil structure. Due to this, you don’t have to look for any other chemical inputs and synthetic fertilizer and thus, you can contribute to minimizing the pollution.
2) Enhances soil carbon sequestration
Compost boosts the organic carbon content present in the soil. This aids in sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If there is a high level of soil organic carbon, then it can mitigate climate change as they act like a long-term carbon sink.
3) Decreases greenhouse gas emissions
When organic matter gets broken down in landfills, then they have to go through an anaerobic decomposition which results in methane. However, composting is a kind of aerobic decomposition which can minimize methane emission. It is a gas whose potential to lead to global warming is much higher in comparison to carbon dioxide.
4) Conserves water
You can improve the ability of soil to retain moisture, which will reduce the requirement for irrigation. Compost allows water to infiltrate easily, reduce runoff and enhance soil porosity. So, get started with composting to reduce the strain on freshwater resources and address the issue of water scarcity.
5) Reduces landfill waste
With composting, you can divert organic waste from landfill, which can otherwise lead to the release of a potent greenhouse gas, namely methane. Also, you can contribute to reducing the waste amount that ends up in the landfill in your area.
6) Suppresses plant diseases and pests
There are beneficial natural substances, and microorganisms present in compost which can easily suppress harmful pests and plant diseases. So, you must give try to compost in your garden to reduce the reliance on chemical fungicides and pesticides which can minimize the environmental impact linked with its usage.
7) Encourages sustainable waste management
As composting turns organic waste into a valuable resource which promotes a sustainable approach to waste management. In simple words, it emphasizes the circular economy concept. In this concept, waste is considered a potential input rather than a disposable burden. Let’s close this loop and start contributing to a more resilient and sustainable environment.
8) Reduces soil erosion
Your soil structure can be improved with soil because its stability can be enhanced with compost. Also, there will be a reduction in erosion that is caused due to water and wind. When the soil starts holding onto particles, its capacity gets improved then it can be prevented from being blown away by wind or washed away by rainfall. As a result, you can protect topsoil and aid in the maintenance of ecosystem health.
9) Minimizes air and water pollution
Start composting and divert your organic waste from landfill. The reason is that composting can reduce the harmful generation of landfill gas and leachate. Both of them are strong enough to pollute the air and contaminate the groundwater. Thus, you can promote cleaner water and air quality by preventing any kind of pollutants from being released into the environment.
10) Decreases reliance on synthetic fertilizers
The requirement for synthetic fertilizers can be reduced with compost as they come with vital nutrients for plants. During the production of synthetic fertilizers, there is energy-intense and when you overuse them they can lead to soil degradation. You can break this dependency by switching to composting and thus, promote a sustainable approach to nutrient management.
Such environmental benefits highlight the positive impact that composting makes on water conversation, climate change, soil health, and overall environmental sustainability. However, most households are well aware of the composting effects on the environment, and now, you’re also one of them.