In this blog, we are going to talk about pistachio shells in compost. Apart from being tasty to eat, the pistachio nuts are healthy too. It comes in two parts firstly, the sweet part which we consume. On the other hand, the exterior shell of the pistachio, which many people don’t use.
The exterior parts are not edible, which mostly use for decorative purposes, or are just thrown away. But the idea of making your compost with pistachio shells is much better for providing nourishment to plants. So, keep reading to know in detail about composting pistachio shells.
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Can you compost pistachio shells?
The answer to this question is yes, it is possible to compost the pistachio shells. There is organic material present in the shells, which breaks down with time in the composting environment. But due to their durable nature, they might take much longer to get decomposed in comparison to other compostable matter.
If you want to boost your pistachio shell’s decomposition process, then it is preferred to first crush them into pieces. You can do this by using any heavy object like a hammer. The surface area gets increased with the breakdown of larger to smaller fragments. Thus, decomposers can efficiently break down the pistachio shells.
Are pistachio shells good for composting?
If you want to add something valuable to your compost pile, then pistachio shells are good to go. However, their breakdown procedure might take a bit longer in comparison to others still they contribute a range of beneficial properties:
1) Comes with nutrition
As the nut comes with essential nutrients, the same case is with the shells. There is a small number of nutrients present in pistachio shells, like calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. The present nutrients will hit the compost by breaking down inside the pile. Thus, these valuable minerals will enrich your compost, which will directly aid in improving soil fertility.
2) Perfect for aeration
Have you ever noticed pistachio shells texture? If yes, then you might have seen that they have fibrous texture, which can aid in improving the aeration and structure of compost. Try to add shells in moderation so that they can create air pockets. With this, oxygen can be circulated easily, and aerobic decomposition will take place. Shells will also prevent your compost from turning into smelly and compacted ones.
3) Source of Carbon
Pistachio shells are the perfect addition to the pile as they are full of carbon. In composting, there is a need to make a balance between greens which are nitrogen-rich matter, and browns which are carbon-rich matter. For optimal decomposition, you can use shells to aid in maintaining the balanced ratio of carbon to nitrogen.
4) Water retention ability
One more advantage of the fibrous nature of such shells is that they can retain the moisture content in your compost. They can aid in retaining water by preventing your compost from turning excessively dry. Thus, a suitable environment can be created for microbial activity.
5) Release nutrient’s slowly
You might already know that the decomposing process taken by pistachio shells is much slower in comparison to other matter. Their rate of slow breakdown is directly linked to the release of nutrients. In simple words, nutrients will be released in compost from time to time. It is perfect for plants because, with this, there will be a steady nutrient supply as the compost turns mature.
6) Sustainable waste management
You can reduce the waste of pistachio shells by diverting them from the landfill, and turning shells into compost will promote a sustainable waste management system. Composting pistachio shells will contribute to the circular economy. The reason is that organic waste turns into a precious resource for your gardening activities.
How to compost pistachio shells?
1) Look for a site
You can do two things, firstly choose a location that is suitable for your pile otherwise, just buy a compost bin and put it in your backyard. Make sure that there is good drainage in that area, and that must be accessible to turn and add matter to the compost pile.
2) Start collecting pistachio shells
Try a bag or any container to save your pistachio shells. When you reach a point to a sufficient amount of shells, then add them to your pile. It would be better if you crush your shells with this, there will be a boost in the decomposition process too.
3) Prepare the pile
You can begin the pile with the layering of compostable matter. Start with a brown layer or carbon-rich matter layers like shredded newspaper or dry leaves. With this, a good base will be provided to your compost which can aid in moisture and aeration control.
4) Add nitrogen-rich matter
After layering the carbon layer, add a layer of green or nitrogen-rich matter, such as grass clippings or kitchen scraps. Through this, you’ll get a balanced compost with a perfect ratio of carbon to nitrogen.
5) Time to mix shells
After layering the green, take your crushed pistachio shells and spread their layer on top. Try to make an even distribution of shells, but don’t add too much at once. Again the reason is they take longer in the decomposition process in comparison to other matter. It would be better if you add shells in moderation as with this, they can be mixed well with the other present compostable matter.
6) Check the moisture level
In case, your compost is too wet, then mix dry carbon-rich matter such as leaves to absorb whatever excess moisture is present. On the other hand, if your compost turns too dry, then use a watering can or hose to water them. It is a fact that pistachio shells texture is strong enough to retain moisture, but still, there is a need to adjust the moisture level as per the requirement.
7) Turn your pile
You can take a garden fork or pitchfork to turn the compost pile on weekly. With this, your pile will get aid in aeration, and a perfect amount of oxygen will be provided for the decomposition process. As a result, there will be a boost in the breakdown of matter, comprising the pistachio shells.
Fortunately, pistachio shells create no such issue in composting, and thus, you can compost those shells. Don’t forget to go through each step if you want to compost by using pistachio shells. Your garden needs will be fulfilled if you use your pistachio shells for nutrient-rich compost rather than just throwing them away.