In this blog, we are going to talk about how to compost in a small apartment. If you want to reduce environmental impact by waste disposal or want to provide nutrients to your houseplants, then the most convenient way to for is composting.
It is a fact that not everyone can access a spare yard space or big yard for setting up their large composting bin. Due to this, people living in suburbs and cities wonder if they can even try composting.
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Is it possible to do composting at apartment?
If you don’t have a yard, then don’t worry, you can turn compost out of food waste rather than throwing them away. With composting you can dispose of organics such as kitchen scraps. Also, you’ll divert waste from going to landfill and give your houseplants nutritious compost.
There is no need to build an open and giant bin in your big-city apartment. There are many other options available out there if you’re more interested in sustainably disposing of food waste. So, take a look at some of the composting options through which you can start composting at your apartment right now.
How to compost in an apartment?
There are a range of options if you want to compost in your apartment, like an electric composter, Bokashi bucket, and worm bin. If you’re someone who thinks a simple compost bin manufactured from a plastic container will work best for you, then keep reading.
For this, all you need is a drill, soil, only two plastic bins along lids, and sawdust or newspaper. Must follow below mentioned steps to get the best out of simple plastic containers.
a) Take your first plastic container, and on its top start drilling a row of holes on each side. There is no such need to consider the hole’s accurate size, but they must be 1 to 3 inches apart from each other.
b) The holes are being drilled in the plastic bin because they will assure the airflow. On the same plastic bin take its bottom side and start drilling holes. It is up to the size of your bin that what will be the number of holes, but try to make even distribution across your bin. Bottom holes will allow the draining of all the liquid passing into the second bin.
c) Now, take your second plastic bin; inside it, put the bin where you made holes. Take soil and fill your top bin with a few inches. After that, top them with absorbent materials such as sawdust or shredded newspaper.
d) Lastly, you can add organic waste to your composter’s top bin. Don’t forget to top it with absorbent materials to prevent any kind of odor, and it will also absorb excess moisture. After adding all the materials you want, just cover the composter with a lid.
Are you still interested in this basic apartment composting system? If not, then don’t worry you might not be interested because this inexpensive system requires hard work. That’s why we have come up with other composting methods which are apartment-friendly that you can try.
1) Electric kitchen composter
An electric kitchen composter is the best choice if you want an indoor-friendly composter that is odor-free and fast enough. All you have to do is toss your food scraps into it and turn it on. When you’ll wake up in the morning, you get a nutritious fertilizer that can be used for indoor potted plants.
There is a requirement for a bit of space in many indoor composting methods. But in the case of an electric composter, there is no such need as it comes with the size of the bread maker. In simple words, this composter is a perfect match for a tidy kitchen apartment.
2) Bokashi Method
The two most vital things in the Bokashi composting are an inoculant like Bokashi bran and a bucket that has a lid. It is strong enough to break down any kind of food waste, but unfortunately, it can’t break down bones, dairy, and meat. Also, there is no need to provide extra material like shredded paper.
Now, it is time to dump all the food waste and on top, layer it with some bran. Try to keep the food scrap’s alternate layer until your bucket gets filled properly. Just wait for 10-14 days, and boom your food scraps will turn into a pre-compost. Further, it can get mature into compost and finally, enrich your soil.
3) Worm composter
In this kind of composter, you don’t have to do anything. All you have to just put food scraps in a bin that is full of worms. The worms present in such composters prefer room temperature, and thus, you don’t require a balcony to make compost. One more thing to note here is that you can do composting indoors year-round.
For this, you can purchase a worm bin or DIY. After that, head over to your nearby bait shop or garden center and buy one pound of worms which suits your composter. You don’t have to turn your compost because the creatures living in your composter will move around the organic matter.
Apartment composting tips
1) Store your food scraps properly
Always use an airtight container to store your food scraps. If possible, then use small compostable bags and keep them in your refrigerator or freezer. With this, there will be minimal odor and fruit flies.
2) Balance compost ingredients
There is a need to balance your brown and green materials to make compost. In terms of brown matter, you can try dried leaves, shredded newspaper, and cardboard. On the other hand, try coffee grounds and vegetable and fruit scraps to use them as green matter.
3) Use chopped or shredded materials
The best way to boost your composting process is to shred or chop all the larger food waste into smaller ones. With this, the surface area gets increases which will further aid in breaking down the compost faster.
4) Control the odor
After each addition of kitchen scraps use a layer of browns to minimize any kind of odor. In case, the smell is a concern, then must avoid adding pungent items such as garlic or onions. You can even give a try to crushed eggshells or just sprinkle baking soda to reduce the odor.
5) Maintain moisture levels
You can sprinkle some water if your compost turns out to be too dry. On the flip side, if your compost is too wet, then try to add dry materials such as cardboard. So, learn the difference between making your compost waterlogged and moist.
Now, you might be thinking yard is not mandatory for composting. Yes, it is possible to turn into a zero-waste lifestyle wizard with composting at-home apartments. If you follow our suggestions, then you can easily compost in your apartment. There will be no invitation sent for insect invasion, and there is no need to sacrifice much space.