In this blog, we are going to talk about how to choose a compost bin. Composting is considered one of the things which can easily attain two things in one. With this, you can reduce household waste and give your veggie garden a rich fertilizer.
Have you decided for composting the food waste? If yes, then you’re thinking about a composter. Wait before making any composter purchase learn about compost bins in a bit. Keep reading this blog to make a final decision about your well-suited composter.
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Types of compost bin
1) Tumbling compost bin
The tumbling compost bin comprises a rotating drum that you can spin through the unit or by cranking a handle. It comes with compartments that can be filled and further closes off. Before emptying it, you’ve to wait until your batch gets mature.
With two chambers in a tumbler, you can allow to process compost in one batch. On the other hand, in the second one you can still put your food waste. Such a large composting device is suitable for people having outdoor space and have intended on disposing of their waste, such as yard waste.
2) Food waste digesters
The food waste digester is for you if you don’t want to make your hands dirty but are still interested in putting your organic waste to some use. This kind of digester usually comes with a lower basket that you can bury below the ground level. Also, there is a cone-shaped bucket placed at the top, which aids in concentrating the rays of the sun.
You can process pet waste, leftovers, and bones with such kind of amazing invention. A food waste digester is the best option for someone looking for convenient ways to get rid of their food waste. It also fits best if you don’t want to use compost as a fertilizer.
3) Stationary compost bin
On the top of stationary compost, there is a lid that you can open to add any compostable materials, like food scraps. With this, you can prevent pests like rats to get enter in your compost. However, you have to wait a lot to turn the waste into soil. If you look carefully, then you can spot a door near the bottom, which can be used in removing the end product.
The thing to note about this bin is that you can add as much waste as you can from the top. While at the same time on the bottom, you’ll get harvested mature compost. It is for you if you want a particular place to toss out every compostable organic matter like yard waste, etc.
4) Electric countertop composters
This composter might sound newer to you, but it is not going to compost your waste technically. However, it will chop and dehydrate your matter so that kitchen scraps are transformed into fertilizer. Now, the question would be where should the compost bin be placed. It can be placed at any place in the apartment to save odorless waste.
Such composter fits best for climate with winter composting halts as there would be a drop in temperature. So, save up your processed waste and feed your stunning garden in the springtime. It is a good option for someone having little organic waste and doesn’t want stress and odor at all.
5) Worm bin
In this bin, you are going to use worm power for converting food waste into a healthy end product. You might be thinking in your ordinary bin there are already worms, so why should you buy this one? The answer is this worm composter comes with a higher concentration of worms and as many food scraps can be placed.
With this, you’ll be tiered to ensure that you have to add whatever matter is left at a particular place full of little creepy creatures. This kind of composter is perfect for gardeners looking to create nutritious fertilizer for their garden, and at the same time, don’t be afraid of handling worms.
6) In-ground composters
In-ground composters also aid in producing powerful fertilizer by worm castings and tea. With this composter, you’ll be directly exposed to soil, and that’s the beauty of this composter. Thus, your worms will have no issues traveling in and out of the soil.
When you do gardening in and around this composter, you’ll be providing your plant roots with whatever they are required most with little work from your side. It is suitable for someone to want to take the help of worms in producing compost and dares to dig a hole in their property.
How to choose a composter?
1) Speed
The right amount of oxygen and heat is vital to break down your compost, and that’s why some composters are designed for producing faster compost in comparison to others. So, whatever composter you’ll choose can be differentiated based on the speed at which compost is being created. Have a look at the below-mentioned points to make a difference:
- Shape- Have you seen a rounded corner or circular-shaped composter? If yes, then they are made to minimize the colder areas that can be settled down at the bin’s corner. They can cause your compost to go through decomposition at distinctive rates.
- Nitrogen to Carbon Ratio– It is better to know the ratio correctly of nitrogen to carbon. The perfect one is 60:40 (brown to green). Examples of green materials are veggie scraps, grass clippings, etc. On the other hand, paper, sticks, and leaves are some of the brown matter.
- Color- Always look for black compost bins as they can absorb heat easily and will further aid in the decomposition process.
- Moisture- Compost requires moisture in a small amount just to get aid in the composting process. So, don’t go for the bin in which your compost gets too dry or wet.
2) Garden size
Do you have a large garden? If yes, then there are chances that there is yard waste too. For this, you might require a double or large composter to assemble all your waste in one place. If you’re going for smaller bins, then there are chances of drying out. On the other hand, you need to work more to turn in larger bins.
If you’re living in a nifty-designed apartment or small home, then still there is a possibility for keeping a composter. But in this case, the great solution would be a Bokashi bin. Both will be going to work well if nearby there is a community garden.
3) Ventilation
As you already know that microorganisms play a vital in the decomposition process, and that’s why fresh air is necessary. If there is a lack of sufficient airflow in the compost bin, then there are chances of waste turning into a stinky mess.
Look for adequate air vents in your chosen compost bin. Some compost bins, like compost tumblers, come with fins inside, which aids in breaking down the matter whenever they get turned.
4) Price
In terms of choosing a composter, the price might sway you in one or another way. If you’re serious about investing in the composting system, then we will prefer to look for a composter in the range of $40 -$130.
However, keep in mind that when you’re going to buy a composter you’ll not only save money for buying any fertilizer but also you’ll get rid of household waste. Thus, it is a vital factor that should be considered.
5) Construction material
If you’re looking for a wood composter, then remember that it will not have the heat acceleration like black plastic and even get rot if you’ll not treat it properly. No one wants their wood composter will have chemicals because they can easily leach into compost and further into the garden.
In terms of the plastic compost bin, you should go for something like UV-resistant. With this, you can easily prevent your plastic from turning brittle in the long run.
So, you’re left with a range of choices in terms of choosing your compost bin. There is no perfect bin for everyone because it is up to the people need who are going to use it. Everyone’s compost amount can vary, and that’s why it is better to go through each bin one by one.